Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Joe won.  That is not a total surprise.  He did it by 72% to Brian's 28%.  As with the Mayoral election, the percentage is deceiving.

By Joe's own statement there are 21,000 registered voters in the ward.  As I write, the actual vote total was 9,522 or 45% of the registered electorate.  Joe received 6,857 of the votes available from the total registered voters, or 32.65% of the registered voters.  Again, those who chose to stay away have given up their power to others.

This is how it happens people.  When we give up our power to others by not taking action on our own, the outcomes are not necessarily what we want.  No poll can substitute for actual voting if we are to assess the true will of the people.

Joe is the Alderman for the next four years.  It is up to us to see to it that he is OUR alderman and not merely the representative of those who showed up and voted for him.


Knightridge Overlook said...

Not everyone votes in every election. As long as we're spinning the numbers, your 21,000 number also shows that less than 12% of voters were willing to vote for Brian, while over 87% of voters were - at minimum - not bothered enough by Joe's impending reelection to show up, and at a 3 to 1 margin were willing to show up and beat the dead horse to prove a point.

Fargo said...

Another pathetic election. I have to wonder whether Joe will continue the more responsive model of behavior that he showed in the last 4 years, or if the election results will lull him into complacency again.

been there said...

as someone who has walked quite a few precincts and worked a few elections, i can tell you that the number of "registered voters" on the rolls at any given time is likely to be off by at least 20%, and sometimes more. in a highly mobile area like the 49th, that would be the sometimes more. next time you go to vote, look at how many pink applications for ballot there are in the book. most of those are voters who have moved away, or who never vote. a handful will show up on election day, but never more than about 1% of the total voters.
so, percentage of registered voters is a deceiving and meaningless number.

Anonymous said...

Well not trying to cause a riot but I have to say Joe is a very determined man to get what he want. Even though I did not want him to Win because he says one thing and always do a half job instead of what he promised. Brian haf focuses and Joe sent false messages throughout the neighborhoods about Brian. He also PAID people to get people to vote for him.! What is this world coming to.??!! Everyonme felt as if "Im voting for Joe because Ive known him for 30 years." but what about what WE need! Joe showed up at the Waterford one of the polling places..Isnt that Againstthe Rules. but if you giving out free donuts it doesnt matter.

Kheris said...

I saw him come in. I didn't know where he voted, so didn't make an issue about it. I did report what I actually saw, apparently in this case it was a fine line.