Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Todays Chicago Tribune published an editorial about the pet food recall and the resulting challenge in feeding Fluffy and Fido. Should you find yourself knocking on a subscription wall, here is the text I thought you might find most enlightening:

Fido will slurp down anything with great enthusiasm; in a pinch he'll snack out of Fluffy's litter box. So it's heartbreaking to imagine that you might have placed a bowl of poison in front of him, especially if you made him do humiliating little tricks first. If you think you did this, call your vet. If not, then feed Fido something that's not on the recall list--maybe toss him a few table scraps while you're at it--and relax.

Fluffy's issues are more complicated. Sure, she'll stick her head in your cereal bowl while you're not looking or lick the frosting off a cake, but try putting something unexpected in the actual cat bowl and you've got a hunger strike on your hands. If you find her food on the list, you'll have to switch brands for her own good. But she'll never forgive you.

I read this and laughed out loud, and I am chuckling again as I re-read it. The recall is serious business, but the Trib's depiction of our furry friends is spot on, and funny too.

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