Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hydrogen - The Non Fuel

You may have read quite a bit about the potential for hydrogen as an alternative to oil. This article completely demolishes the idea using a lot of scientific explanation that will bring tears of joy to the geeks who may read this blog. There are plenty of plain English explanations for the rest of us. I don't think I am entirely in tune with his idea of having the government force the automakers to convert their new fleets to flex-fuel (ethanol or gasoline). Regardless, it is a convincing argument about the pitfalls of hydrogen as a solution.

1 comment:

The North Coast said...

The "alternatives" of biomass and ethanol are not real fuels, either, unless we want half the population of this country to starve and the rest to eat very badly to keep our fleet running.

We would need almost all our cropland to even fractionally replace fossil fuels.

I am deeply discouraged by the level of delusional thinking on the part of our leading democrats, who are offering no real alternative to Republican denial and fantasy.