Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blowing Smoke

I just got back from a 2 hour walk, which does wonders for the human body, including the brain, and I realized something very important;

Dave Fagus is blowing smoke up our collective backsides over Gordon's contributions because he is trying to cover for Moore's electioneering behavior. To wit:

The Clark Manor Senior Home

Westgard's letter detailing potential abuses

The Donut Caper

The complaint filed by the Adams for Alderman campaign

The Lake Shore Senior Home, which led to the complaint by Adams

Think about it. What a devilish plan. Focus on Gordon's campaign donations and avoid the conversation regarding Moore's electioneering. That way he doesn't have to explain why his candidate with 16 years experience so flagrantly violated the law.

Readers - time to change the subject and the focus. Let's put the spotlight where it really belongs.


Craig Gernhardt said...

The smoke and mirror act isn't working anymore. The voters (and bloggers) are catching on.

Well, at least the one's that are paying attention to the details.

Toni said...

One point we need to observe:

There were good and not so good election judges. How are these judges placed and by whom? Does the alderman have any say in the matter?

When judges 'hide' the cones and claim later that they 'didn't want the kids at Gale to steal' them is absurd. To have the electronic machine facing where incoming voters could see the screen is improper also.

A poll watcher in another precinct who had turned in the proper credentials left and returned to be confronted by a judge saying 'Who the hell are you?' Is that kind of behavior in the book or part of the connection?

Someone needs to look from the 'inside out' and connect the dots.

Pamela said...

Election judges are appointed by the Dem and GOP ward committee chairs. They each get half but if they are unable or unwilling to fill their half, then they can grab the other guy's positions and fill them with their people. In the 49th ward it is fair to say that the majority of election judge spots are filled by David Fagus.

As a poll watcher I was impressed by some judges and distressed by many others including those who were found sleeping and otherwise not doing their jobs. Either Mr. Fagus is not keeping up with the abilities (and capabilities) of his judges or he is intentionally posting inept and unqualified people to these positions. More than one election judge privately relayed to me serious concerns about the READING ability of some of their co-judges.

Many of the election judges I poll watched were polite, friendly, and made my job more pleasant. That said, some were hostile. Which again speaks to Mr. Fagus and his intentions in his appointments.

Alderman Moore visited nearly every precinct and made a big point of introducing himself, as loudly as possible. The presence of a poll watcher at one precinct likely scared him off (and that he had been busted for campaigning several times already). Mr. Fagus escorted him out of the polling place but Alderman Moore still couldn't help himself and proceeded to go down the hall of this particular building and meet and greet people. Apparently the blue cones don't matter if you are on the inside.

Since it appears that some candidates are incapable of doing what they should (as opposed to what the law proscribes), there ought to be a rule change that says that candidates may not be in any building that holds a polling place except to cast their vote. Candidates should not be poll watchers.

Personally, I think we should change the election judge system and make it akin to jury duty -- everyone has to do it at some point and appointments are made randomly. The existing system is too easy to game.

Speaking of gaming: I am also in possession of knowledge (and evidence) of voter fraud on the part of an Evanston resident who voted in our municiple election. The ballot would have been counted had one of the election judges not called the Board of Elections and challenged it. That ballot was collected by the judges but was not counted (it was marked "spoiled"). The person in question out and out lied to a judge about their domicile. It was dumb luck that an election judge knew that this person had moved from RP in July 2006. This person also admitted to voting in Chicago in Nov. 2006 (thereby committing voter fraud which is punishable by up to 5 years in prison). I am seriously contemplating turning all evidence over to the AG's office. No one likes a rat but no one likes cheaters either.

Kheris said...

That fraud needs to be reported. Otherwise no one is held accountable and legitimate voters can be forgiven for believing no one cares.