Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sauce for the goose and gander

Ya gotta love Dave Fagus during election season. First he posts a love note about Todd and why we should vote for him, and now he follows up with The Guv. But, not with all the fervor and passion he has for Todd. To wit:

I have at least three issues that I would like to see addressed. We all need to be very concerned about the general finances of the state. When Blagojevich came in he faced a five billion dollar deficit. He has managed to move things forward, but at what cost? It seems to me that rather than address the issues today, we have decided to delay those decisions into the future. The governor needs to develop a plan to address the long-term financial situation. No new taxes makes that even more difficult, but whatever the options are we need a plan that will protect the programs we have long waited for and keeps the state in sound financial shape.

While he is addressing the financial future a second problem that must be addressed is the funding of education. Without the 7% tax cap and with property values significantly up the burden of property taxes is growing heavy on most citizens of Illinois. A plan to change the way schools are funded that decreases the reliance on property tax is necessary.

Finally, a third item that needs to be on the Governors agenda is tax increment financing reforms. TIF's can and have played a valuable role in development of some areas that may not have seen development otherwise. That does not mean that TIF's are appropriate for every area that wants development. Some should have the assistance, but most should be able to develop without it. The revenues also need to be better understood and utilized so that their is appropriate and transparent use of the funds.

I gotta ask this or my brain might explode:

1 - why needle The Guv on state finances but let Prince Urkel off the hook on the state of County finances?

2 - why needle The Guv on funding education, but let Prince Urkel off the hook on funding County projects?

3 - why needle The Guv on TIFs, but not come after Prince Urkel, or the County Commissioners about TIF reform? The County got skewered (again) by The Tribune regarding the hearing on TIF reform. Are you letting the media fight that battle for you Dave?

I labeled the man a hypocrite before and I hate to say it, but (to borrow from Reagan) "there he goes again!" I think he's forgotten the old phrase 'what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.' Todd and Rod make a nice pair of Democratic geese.

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