Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Falling Apples

There is a saying or comment about 'apples not falling far from the tree.' I tend to think it applies to Prince Urkel, who addressed the Chicago Rotary Club, and purported to be in favor of transparency in the business practices of Cook County. Really?

According to the City of Chicago "Know Your Alderman" site young Stroger's career is notable by its lack of luster and accomplishment; at least the kind of accomplishment people like to crow about. Not even one of his most fervent supporters has come up with a resume and list of accomplishments. The 49th Ward's own Dave Fagus, who touts Toddie, has not yet found the time, or the information, extolling Toddie's leadership virtues.

Yet we are supposed to believe that Toddie will stand up to the machine that gave him this opportunity to rule in his father's stead. We are supposed to believe he represents a breath of fresh air throwing wide the doors to a moribund and corrupt bureauacracy. How will he accomplish this? There is such a paucity of information about him that one could be forgiven if they fell for a conspiracy-style theory that this was rigged up so the Dems would lose, the machine would fall of its own weight, and Claypool could run in 2010, unopposed by the Dems at least.

But truth or fiction, the fact remains that Toddie is a cipher, with nothing to recommend him. He will do what the machine tells him because he is a good little soldier. He won't be upsetting any applecarts anytime soon. With any luck, he will lose the race.

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