Sunday, August 27, 2006

Politics by Machine

More lunacy from Dave Fagus is found in his second comment, wherein he takes on an RN who brought up the Northwestern University study of the county health system. After he bashes the study for lacking scholarship and real research he finishes up with this little gem:

Election rhetoric often is exaggerated for effect.

He presents no facts of his own to counter the statements made at The Broken Heart and in the media regarding the county's abject failure to cooperate with the study. He offers no objective evidence that Prince Urkel will put a stop to such nonsense, let alone provide the leadership that is sorely lacking.

I suspect Dave is really an android spewing out election rhetoric of his own in support of his party masters. How else to explain his evident contempt for voter intelligence? Clearly he thinks we a)don't know the facts, or b)aren't interested in the facts, or c)don't comprehend the facts when they are in front of us.

Perhaps he thinks we are all a bunch of addicts caught up in the haze of our addictions and thus easily manipulated to vote as ordered, so long as we are given our next fix. Rogers Park certainly has its share of drug dealers, whose clients surely can't be too far away.

Perhaps he thinks we are just addlebrained poor people who will vote based on the latest feel good rhetoric that comes our way, if we vote at all. Making ends meet is hard work, and who has time to consider the choices.

Regardless, he will spew whatever drivel he is programmed to spew and we should all vote as Dave recommends.


I have yet another reason to help break up this political machine. It is non-responsive, self perpetuating, self serving, and incapable of adapting to the future. It operates on a very simple set of algorithms that don't account for change or the need for change. The taxpayers provide the fuel via tax dollars, but get very little back when one considers the problems that continue to fester in the county despite many attempts to get them fixed by outsiders. The Juvenile Detention Center scandal, which continues (Ms. Steele's personnel changes are just the tip of the iceberg), and the issues in the county health system are the most notorious. Add to that the willful patronage, because after all it is a political fiefdom, and you no longer have government by and for the people. That has to end.

I am sure that doesn't worry Dave, androids don't feel emotion.

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